Wednesday, April 28, 2010

lost images

These images were found on an undeveloped roll of film inside a Kodak No.2 Pocket Folding Brownie.


  1. (These negatives were found in a box along with this letter.)

    August 4, 1960

    U.S. Army Photographic Agency
    Room 5B262
    Pentagon Building
    Washington 25, D.C.

    Attention: M/Sgt. G.K. LaPage

    Dear Sgt. LaPage:

    This will confirm our telephone conversation of this morning regarding the Company’s willingness to process the 1908 vintage Kodak film in your possession.
    Will you kindly package this film carefully and address it to the attention of Mr.D.Koch, Government Sales Division, Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester 4, New York. As I mentioned in our conversation, the film will be handled by the Professional Technical Service Center with the understanding that the Eastman Kodak Company will not be committed in any way if the film be ruined or damaged in the process. However, rest assured that every precaution will be taken to preserve the product.
    Inasmuch as you will probably know the results of this project before I will, please contact me when you have received the returned roll.
    Yours very truly,
    W.E. Shea
    Washington Representative

